See where the users encounter difficulty and elicit their input and ideas. Leverage the opportunity to modify the equipment, standardize the procedures, and document in an OPL format with numerous pictures. The initial scope of the FAT to be supplied by the manufacturer / OEM is done during the bid phase of the customer’s order. The plan is written encompassing all applicable customer specifications, standards, and drawings. The scope of the FAT helps establish the acceptability and credibility of the equipment being supplied. This scope is communicated with the customer upfront so that all expectations and requirements can be met.
- The planning presents a set op of the appropriate tests to be carried out and who is responsible for developing the test cases.
- A Factory Acceptance Test is a test that runs on the equipment or components before it is delivered to its intended destination.
- Our factory acceptance testing services provide verification that all technical and quality requirements have been met before a component leaves the factory.
- To conclude, it is recommended to have reliable personnel on both sides (supplier and client), clear testing strategies, professional URS and trustful collaboration.
- Our cutting-edge, integrated approach ensures that all tools used in your manufacturing processes have a significant impact on product quality.
As an independent verification and certification company, we support your project or manufacturing process with extensive services along the supply chain. We ensure design specifications and prove the quality of your ordered equipment and components. According to the customer’s user requirements specification, both stages are used to configure the equipment/system correctly and check that everything is working properly. Another important point is that it saves time and costs, since the equipment is checked at the supplier’s facilities and if something does not work or goes wrong, it is easier to solve it than if it were at the customer’s site. If you’re looking for a better way to manage factory acceptance testing, look no further than the DataMyte Digital Clipboard! Our user-friendly platform will streamline the factory acceptance testing process and help you avoid costly mistakes.
Operational acceptance testing
Both Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) and Site Acceptance Testing (SAT) involve extensive testing of systems or system components to determine or verify compliance with the preapproved specifications. While there are similarities between the two, they are distinct processes. The following blog post outlines the key differences between FAT and SAT.
If you’ve been wondering what exactly an FAT entails and why should get one, we’ve got some answers for you in this post. Final inspection servicesWe conduct the final inspection according to the specifications you approved. This may include checking conformity of drawings and documents, inspecting nameplate data, general appearance and verifying the quality of painting and coating. HQTS covers 40+ countries globally and can attend factory acceptance tests for all major industrial product categories. If you need a FAT witness test or have any queries regarding these tests, don’t hesitate to contact us today. When you’re purchasing new factory equipment, it’s important to ensure that it is properly tested before it’s delivered to your site.
When is the best time to schedule an FAT?
This is what a factory acceptance test (FAT) is for—to ensure that the equipment meets all of your expectations and functions as expected. Getting through the FAT is another milestone in the project, as the software has been proven in design. The next step is to place the equipment in the field and verify everything again using the real world inputs and outputs. For example, inputs from either the field or the workstation software may be simulated to start one or more pumps. Verification logic for testing that pumps start and stop within the allowed time can be checked by first turning on the ‘run status’ through simulation and then not turning them on to verify that the check logic is functioning correctly. The Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) is a test of subsea equipment before installation, which is always performed on newly manufactured equipment, to check whether the equipment satisfy the performance and function requirements or not.
If the equipment does perform as expected and no problems follow, the customer can have peace of mind that the system does its job effectively and safely. Most of the signal simulators can also be used to perform measurement functions similar to a digital multimeter. You can repeat the same process for all of the other inputs as well.
FAT Planning
Since the purpose of an FAT is to qualify the equipment prior to shipment, it should never be conducted at the customer’s facility. The hassle of dealing with issues when equipment is built and operated the first time around can be a huge headache if you are the one with the task of installation and start-up. Wouldn’t it be nice to get some reassurance prior to receiving your equipment? Conducted at the manufacturer’s site prior to delivery and installation, these tests help to identify any issues and correct them prior to shipment. Basically, an FAT is a “factory debug” to assure that when the system arrives on site, it should be able to be installed and get up and running quickly and smoothly.
This is actually an acceptance test, done by you, on your computer before the document is sent. For example, when you’re done writing something on a simple Google Doc, you actually review the document once or definition of factory acceptance testing maybe twice, depending on how important it is, before sending it to a friend or colleague. If you look at your everyday life, you actually do a Factory Acceptance Test or FAT several times during the day.
To test this I can change the current and look at the HMI installed on the panel to see if the indicator for the oil pump turns on. All you need to know here is that if you want to wire a 2-wire transmitter to this card you simply need to connect the positive to terminal number 1 and the negative to the next terminal. Simulators are capable of giving you signals that are produced by transmitters, RTDs, and Thermocouples. If the LED does not turn on when you press the push button, it means that there is something wrong with the wiring. You can learn more about signal simulation by reading the article, What is an Instrument Calibrator?. You connect it to the circuit breaker only for testing and once you are done and want to ship the cabinet, you simply disconnect the wires from the topside of the circuit breaker.
Verify that each individual assembly interfaces and operates properly with other components and assemblies of the system. To determine the maximum angular offset that will allow for proper installation of well jumper kit. All instrumentation used for test validation must be calibrated prior to and following test activities.